Describe the movement of the center of pressure with varying angle of attack.

Describe the movement of the center of pressure with varying angle of attack.

The Center of pressure position is dependent of the angle of attack. As the angle of attack increases the center of pressure moves closer to the leading edge.

What is convergency?

What is convergency?

Meridians converge from their maximum distance apart (at the equator) to the poles where they meet.

Great circles are the shortest distance between two points and convergency represents the change in direction experienced between those points.

Explain the Fohn wind.

Explain the Fohn wind.

A Fohn wind is a warm dry wind that blows down the lee side of a mountain.

Initially, the air temperature cools dry-adiabatically (3°C/1000 ft), until its dew point temperature is reached. Condensation occurs as the air is further forced up the mountain range, resulting in the air cooling saturated-adiabatically (generally considered in the mid-latitudes to be 1.8°C/1000 ft). Clouds and precipitation form. When the air mass reaches the top of the mountain range it has lost a significant amount of its water content and so has a much lower dew point temperature.

As the air then begins to descend down the lee slope of the mountain the compressed air is initially heated saturated-adiabatically, and in effect the direct reverse to the cooling effect on the windward side occurs. As the air continues leeward and downward from the mountain range, the air, now no longer saturated, is heated dry-adiabatically.

The resultant wind is dry and warm giving clear conditions at airfields on the lee side of the mountain range.

The Foehn Effect also may be associated with mountain wave activity.

What is tire creep, and is it important?

What is tire creep, and is it important?

Tire creep is the tendency of the tire to rotate slowly around the wheel hub as a result of a millisecond landing friction on the tire before wheel spin occurs.

Yes, it is important because if there is too much creep the tire can tear out the inflation valve and cause the tire to burst.

How does a stall strip work?

How does a stall strip work?

A stall strip, usually located close to the wing root, causes the airflow to separate at a lower angle of attack and ensures that the wing root stalls before the wing tips.

While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?

While climbing with a SEP, in what temperature range can carb icing occur?

Carb icing can occur with temperatures as high 30°C and humidity as low as 50%, but it is more likely when below 20°C and high humidity, especially during low power settings.

Is the tropopause uniform in height? If not, what height is it at the pole and the equator?

Is the tropopause uniform in height? If not, what height is it at the pole and the equator?

No, tropopause at the pole is lower (30.000ft) than at the equator (56.000ft)

How does GPWS work?

How does GPWS work?

GPWS is a central computer system that receives various data inputs on configuration, (radio altimeter) height/altitude and instrument landing system glide slope deviation and is able to alert the pilot when a dangerous situation is about to occur.

What is an anti-servo tab?

What is an anti-servo tab?

An anti-servo tab works in the opposite way to a servo tab.

It deploys in the same direction as the control surface, making the movement of the control surface more difficult and requires more force applied to the controls by the pilot.

What is VMBE?

What is VMBE?

The maximum brake energy speed.

It is a function of the gross weight, altitude, temperature, runway slope, wind component, and braking configuration.

V1 must be less than VMBE.

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